Thursday, September 6, 2007

Chapter Eight (Part One)

Back at the dorm, Sarah confronted Melody over an arcade game. "We need to talk, Mel. Now."
Since -- that night -- their once close relationship had been awkward and strained. "What about?" asked Melody.
"Oh, don't pretend you don't know! You know good and well what I want to talk about -- I want to talk about -- us."
"There is no 'us,' Sarah. You've got it wrong."
"Yes there is, Mel. There has been for quite awhile. You're in denial." Sarah leaned over and kissed Melody, again. "Tell me you didn't feel that."
Melody took a deep breath and turned away from Sarah. "You're the only person I've ever connected with," she admitted, "but the connection is mental rather than physical."
Managing a sarcastic chuckle, Sarah asked, "My god, Mel, will you get out of your head for one second? Are you afraid of what your parents are going to think?"
Once again, Melody couldn't deny anything Sarah said. "I'm a freak to them," she mused. "And it's gonna get worse with my little sister being born."
"Hey, if you're already a freak to them, why don't you just go all out? Give 'em a real freak for a daughter."
"That wasn't nice, Sarah."
"I'm sorry, Mel," she whispered. But Melody was already gone.
She stormed out of the dormitory and ran, as fast as she could and as far as she could. She stopped only when she got to one of the treadmills in the school gym, running almost until she burst. Can this really be happening? she thought. Am I really falling for Sarah? The entire notion of it was as disturbing to her as the idea of making toys with her parents. It jarred her to the very core of her being.
On Friday afternoon Melody returned home for her visit. "Honey, I'm so happy to see you again," Wanda screeched with glee as she kissed her daughter on both her cheeks. "I've missed you so much."
Melody, however, was not one for chit-chat. She walked right upstairs and searched for her baby sister's bedroom. She picked up infant Harmony, and held her tight.
Wanda and Melody ate hamburgers together while Harmony slept and Stephen was out back with the toy shop. "Honey," Wanda began, desperate for a conversation starter, "how do you like school?"
"I love it!" Melody replied. "Much better than my old school."
"Well, that's great, sweetheart --" Wanda took a deep breath. "Melody, you're still hiding something from me. I can feel it."
"Why do you keep saying that?"
"Because I know you, and when you clam up like this, that means you're hiding something." Wanda heaved a sigh. "I got a call from the school today, something about you and a girl named Jill."
Melody managed a chuckle. "Oh, that. That's nothing -"
Inquired Wanda, "Is she bullying you?" Melody's silence spoke volumes. "Oh, god, she is."
"Look, mom, it's not a problem, not as big as you're making it out to be --"
"Getting bullied is not a big problem, Melody? You didn't go there to get bullied. I can call the school -- heck, go by there -- and find out what's going on myself --"
"No, mom, really, no need to do that --" It seemed like the more Wanda pushed, the more Melody pushed away. "I need to handle this myself."
Wanda ignored Melody's protestations of strength and independence. "There's something else going on that you're not telling me. I feel it in my bones and I see it in your eyes."
"Mom, I don't have to tell you everything that goes on in my life!"
"As long as you're my daughter you do, little girl! I need to know what's going on, doesn't matter if it's bad. You know I love you --"
Cutting her off in mid-sentence, Melody stormed out the door. As soon as it got dark, she set up her telescope just past the back porch. She figured she'd get inspired for the upcoming art contest as she always did, by stargazing. As she leaned up to get a closer view, she felt herself being enveloped by a mysterious bright light, as if someone were shining a spotlight on her. As the light grew more persistent and powerful, bringing with it a sharp wind that threatened to suck her off the ground, she tried with all her might to hang on to her telescope, until the force won out and she was gone.


S@ndy said...

Im surprised by how well Wanda knows her daughter even though they never had a close relationship she seems to know Melody very well!! (just like a mother should)

:YAY Melody got abducted !!! finally all what she ever wanted...

im going to read part 8-2 lol

I just cant stop reading, i promised i would go to sleep when i was in chapter 6...oh well it Cant be helped!! the story is so good that its worth reading!!!

ZAYURY said...

A mother can always tell! :)

Oooh, an abduction! Yeay! :rah:

Off to read next chapter! :)

Astral Faery said...

Yay, cool! An abduction!

Colliegirl said...

Oh, cool! I've been wondering when that telescope of hers would suck her out into outer space! LOL!

Now it's getting interesting!!!

That was sweet to see Melody pick up her baby sister and hold her for a minute. Such a cute baby. :D